
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cooking with Ms. Kelly: Summer 2015 Edition

As a big fan of food myself, I have always really enjoyed doing cooking programs with my tweens. In the past we've done cooking with chocolate, and a variety of other fun and easy recipes. My "Cooking with Ms. Kelly" programs are always a big hit, which is why I try to do a least one each summer. In my mind, food is universal to any SRP theme!

Here is what we did this year (recipe titles link to my recipe handouts):

Bacon dip: 

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This recipe was inspired by one I learned at a Pampered Chef party quite awhile ago. They have seasonings named Bacon Bacon and Garlic Garlic that can be turned into dips by mixing with equal parts mayo and sour cream. I decided to follow the same basic principle but use bacon bits instead. A 1/4 cup of mayo and sour cream seemed be just perfect for a single serving.

Bologna Rollups:

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Wraps are always a fun and easy addition to any cooking with kids program. This time we used bologna, tortillas, cheese and mayo. The mayo was already being used in the bacon dip recipe so I figured why not use it for this one as well.

Oreo Cookie Balls:

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This recipe was modified from a recipe on one of my favorite sites for no bake recipes, the no bake recipe page of They have a recipe for Oreo Yummy Balls that involves dipping balls of cookie and cream cheese into almond bark. I basically broke the directions down to make individual sized servings and skipped the almond bark part.

Salsa Con Queso:

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I grew up around Mexican food at my grandparent's Mexican restaurant, so I had to do salsa and cheese dip at least once. Due to time constraints, I did it as a demo at the end of the program and let all the kids try it.

Feel free to use these recipes and handouts at library programs or any other opportunity you may have. I would love to hear about how they have been used! You can comment here, email me at marrak at libcoop dot net, or find me on Twitter (@MsKellyTweets).

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