
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why Kids Should Come to School Age Library Programs

I saw this post about why kids should go to library storytimes awhile back and thought I would adapt the idea and discuss why school age kids should go to library programs. I want to explain to the world why despite being busy with homework and after school activities, bringing your child to library programs is worth it!

10. Better Social Skills: Interacting with the other children in unstructured environments like the library help children build valuable social skills. The games played at programs help them learn to communicate with others and work together.

9. Building the Library Habit: If you bring your child to the library for programs, you are developing a habit of library use. They will grow up feeling comfortable in libraries and be more likely to visit throughout their lives.

8. Content Area Knowledge: Kids learn valuable information from performers who speak on various topics. I've had science and animal speakers that imparted their knowledge to attendees. I also try to include information on various content areas in my own in house programming.

7. Building Relationships With Library Staff: If a child feels comfortable with their local librarian, they are more likely to ask them for help when they need help using the library for a school assignment.

6. Keeping Busy: Library programs are a great way to keep kids busy in that time period after school and before dinner.

5. Can't beat free: Most library programs are free! You definitely can't say the same thing for most other after school activities kids participate in. In addition to the free fun activities, there will often be free snacks as well.

4. Summer Reading Prizes: A big portion of the programming for kids at most libraries involves the yearly Summer Reading Program. Not only do kids get the prizes for participating, but the reading they do helps them maintain reading skills over the summer. A win win!

3. Encourages literacy and reading: Many library programs for school age kids include literacy building activities. Going to the library regularly also helps show your child that books and reading are a valuable use of free time.

2. Introduces new games and activities: Many library programs include games, crafts and other fun ideas that kids can do at home as well.

1. They are fun!: These programs are just as much fun for school age kids as storytime is for the little guys! They get to play games, do crafts and learn at the same time. What's not to love?

Does anyone else have any great reasons to add to this list?

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